Opticomm is committed to providing safe working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health for its personnel, and anyone else that may be affected through its organisational activities.
This includes:
a. compliance with:
b. ensuring risk management procedures are available and adhered to,
c. promoting open, honest, effective and timely safety communication, consultation and coordination with interested parties,
d. providing ongoing safety education and training to all of our personnel,
e. ensuring incidents are reported investigated and reviewed by management with a view to preventing recurrence,
f. providing adequate resources to ensure work health safety is a central part of the organisation,
g. ensuring effective injury management and rehabilitation is provided to personnel,
h. consultation and participation of workers, and their representatives,
i. establishing objectives to measure safety performance of the IMS, and
j. continually improving the Integrated Management System to facilitate the elimination of work-related injury and illness.
All personnel are:
a. responsible for the communication, enthusiastic promotion and implementation of this policy, and
b. accountable for the achievement of safety outcomes in accordance with this policy.
This policy will be communicated to personnel at induction and be on display at the reception area of all Opticomm offices for the information of interested parties (including clients and members of the public).